
Back to Boston

This past weekend, I went up to Boston, to collaborate once again with a model whom I've had the pleasure and privilege to work with before, Chelsey Angers. She manages to take direction and yet spin a bit of her own idea into the mix, making shooting that much more interesting. That alone wouldn't work though. During the process of shooting, my mind was running. It was windier than I was expecting, and I did not have a weight for my diffusion umbrella, which I had plans of using. Not only that but a screw was loose in the bag, it was needed so I could use my flash remotely. What to do when your original plan falters, and now your using more time to find things than to take shots? Scrap the idea and move on, I didn't have all day, plus I had a remote cable. This was one example of how I had to adjust to make better use of my time, don't always become fixated on accessories, let your inner voice speak for your shots.

There are other moments but let's get to the favorites from this shoot. I wanted to focus my energies towards making street shots, rather than high fashion, experimental ideas that I usually have in my head. Its in these shots that I believe, I've found a split second moment where simple posing ends and something shines through