
When you've been gone (or lost)

Lessons I’ve learned while being away for too long from modeling shoots or shoots with anybody for the matter.

  • If you’ve kept away from photography for some time you’ll forget where your gear is located. Case in point, I couldn’t find my battery charger and so I went out of my way to get a new one from Best Buy. Turns out it was nearby the entire time. Keep up your practicing and you’ll remember everything by instinct.

  • BE BIG AND MOVE IN LATER: Rather than fiddling with your focal length over and over to allow more or less room, instead start a bit wider and then crop later in post. This opens your working window and you may not have to worry later on if you feel like you shot things too tightly. Most cameras these days have enough megapixels to make this doable.

  • WORK WITH WHAT YA GOT: I bought some fabric to use as a backdrop for the shoot… turns out I didn’t need it, the hotel walls were interesting on their own. This was another case of over preparing and costing me twice as much energy cause I ended up not using most of what I got. Often times, unless there’s a specific idea in mind, the easier and more simple the better. Allow yourself to focus on and with your model rather than spend time wondering about creative ideas that may (and probably won’t) not come to fruition.

SHOUTOUT TO THERESA MANCHESTER- whose time modeling is nothing short of impressive and I’m glad I got to work with her one more time. Check out her work by clicking the button below and support if you can.
